Sharing Data between Hybrid App and InAppBrowser

Hi there guys. I came across this requirement in my project where I had to share data between an Ionic app and the InAppBrowser. Though it seemed simple, it turned out to be quite something. So thought I should write this up as a blog. But before we start, I should warn you that this might seem a bit hacky but it is the only thing that works for now.. :P. So let’s get started.

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Saving Images to app storage in Ionic using ngCordova

Hello there we will see how to save images, taken using the camera or images from the gallery, to the private storage available to a mobile app. We will be using the Camera plugin to allow the user to either take a picture or choose one from the gallery. We will also use the File plugin to save the chosen image to app storage. ngCordova will provide the angular wrapped file plugin functions. So let’s start.

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