Knowing JS ES6 Series

Hi guys. I’ve been learning ES6 for quite some time now and have found it to be a lot refreshing and exciting. Thought of sharing whatever I’ve learned with you guys and I’ve planned to do it as a series, with each post concentrating on one aspect of the language in detail. This post is meant to just have links to all the posts so that you don’t miss any of them. See you in the posts.. 🙂


  1. Knowing JS – ES6- var, let and const

What does ‘that = this’ in Javascript mean?

When you go through some of the popular JS libraries you might start noticing this peculiar line all over the place.

that = this

First impressions, you could figure out that it had something to do with the value of the variable this being inconsistent, so they had to store in a variable and use it later. So I did some digging into it and found out why this assignment was a necessity back then and how we can overcome them.

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Angular 2 – Hello World App – Typescript

Important Note: The post has been updated to RC 1

Hi guys. I’ve been working with Angular 2 for the past week, so thought I must share whatever I’ve learned. I’ll be writing a series of blog posts on Angular 2. What better way to start the series than to do an hello world app.. 😛 Let’s get started.

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Sharing Data between Hybrid App and InAppBrowser

Hi there guys. I came across this requirement in my project where I had to share data between an Ionic app and the InAppBrowser. Though it seemed simple, it turned out to be quite something. So thought I should write this up as a blog. But before we start, I should warn you that this might seem a bit hacky but it is the only thing that works for now.. :P. So let’s get started.

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